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Desexing Your Rabbit At Mt Martha Vet Clinic

At Mt Martha Vet Clinic we understand how much you rabbit friend means to you. Neutering is a once in a lifetime event and we are dedicated to ensuring your rabbits operation is performed safely and successfully.

What is involved desexing?

On the morning of surgery your rabbit is weighed and examined. If all is well then a sedative injection will be administered which relieves anxiety and provides pain relief. An intravenous catheter (IV) is placed in the foreleg or the ear to give anaesthetic and fluids through. Once asleep we place a tube over the airway to deliver a supply of anaesthetic gas and oxygen during the procedure. The surgical site is then clipped and prepared, and antibiotics are administered. The anaesthetic is closely monitored and recorded by the nurse whilst the Vet performs the surgery in sterile conditions, using human grade suture materials. At the end of surgery additional pain relief is administered through the IV access and your pet is returned to its bed and closely monitored during recovery.

In MALES both testicles are removed (Castration)
In FEMALES the uterus and ovaries are entirely removed (Ovario-hysterectomy/Spey)

At discharge the nurse will spend time with you discussing post operative care, and you will also receive written instructions. Stitches are placed under the skin as rabbits are renowned for chewing any skin stitches out. In the vast majority of cases, your rabbit will go home on the day of surgery. For your convenience, they can be admitted the evening before surgery at no extra charge. If extra accommodation is required afterwards, then an extra charge will apply. Our fees include a check up 2-4 days after the day of the surgery

What are the benefits of desexing?

Rabbits breed fast and young, hence the saying “They breed like rabbits!” Desexing is therefore a crucial part of controlling fertility and population


  • Decrease/Eliminate spraying on objects and us! Will also improve litter habits.
  • Decrease aggressive and territorial behaviors (ie: Biting and nipping) towards people and hutch mates.
  • Decreased risk of testicular cancer
  • Less stress due to sexual frustration (NOTE – males can still be fertile for up to 4 weeks after desexing)


  • Eliminate risk of diseases associated with the Uterus (ie: cancers and pyometra) – A female bunny has an 70% chance of contracting uterine cancer by the age of 4.
  • Decrease destructive behaviors ie: Chewing and digging
  • Decrease territorial behaviors – Female bunnies can be very aggressive and just plain grumpy once they start coming into season. This can occur quite suddenly when they are between 4-8 months of age.

At what age can my rabbit be desexed at Mt Martha Veterinary Clinic?

Providing your pet is healthy we advise desexing from 6 months of age for females. Males are considered sexually mature from the time their testicles descend, which can occur before the age of 4 months. In this case we can ascertain an appropriate age to desex after physical examination by the Vet.

When can I go ahead?

A few days notice is all that is required – simply call us on 5974 1199 where we will be able to arrange a time, and supply you with any other information you will need to prepare your pet for surgery with us! Our helpful staff will also be able to answer any other queries you may have.

Click here to download this information as a handout.