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Pre-Anaesthetic Information for Dogs & Cats

Please read this information carefully before you bring your pet for an anaesthetic.

1. The day before surgery you may feed your pet normally up to 9pm and then remove any uneaten food and access to bones.

2. Do not remove water until the morning of the procedure.

3. Provide a litter tray overnight for cats.

4. On the morning of the surgery ensure there is no access to food or bones and remove water at around 8.00am. This means NO BREAKFAST please!

5. Give dogs the opportunity to toilet and stretch their legs with a short leash walk.

6. If your dog is dirty this increases the chance of wound infection, bathing is advised.

7. Bring your dog on a lead or cat in a cage, to the clinic between 8.30-8.45am. (Your pet may be admitted outside this time by prior arrangement).

8. When you come, please allow 10 minutes to complete the admission process. You will be asked to read and sign a consent form while we weigh your pet. Importantly we need the best phone number to reach you on in case we need to contact you during the day.

9. We will advise when to phone and arrange a collection time, usually we ask you to call the clinic on 5974 1199 around 3pm for an update and for collection between 4-6pm. To help achieve the highest level of safety possible for your pet all but the shortest general anesthetic procedures will include intra-operative fluid therapy and be offered pre anaesthetic blood testing. It is important to note that blood tests and fluid therapy do not guarantee the absence of complications under anaesthetic, but they do reduce the risk and may alert us to conditions that may affect our anaesthetic plan.

The provision of intravenous fluids during surgery helps maintain blood pressure and helps the body to efficiently eliminate the anaesthetic. This is a very effective way to enhance safety, reduce anaesthetic risk and speed recovery. As every patient will benefit from intra-operative
fluid therapy it is included for all but the shortest of surgical/general anesthetic procedures.

Your pet will be given a physical exam before anaesthesia. For added peace of mind a blood test prior to anaesthesia allows us to check for conditions which may affect your pet during surgery that are not obvious on an exam. In effect this allows us to confirm that your pet is as
healthy on the inside as they appear on the outside. These values can also be very useful to refer to in the future.